Open Knowledge Ireland

Ireland joined the Open Knowledge network in May 2013.

Core Team

Adrian Corcoran is a senior project manager and has extensive experience implementing a variety of Technology/Business Change programs in both the public and private sectors. He is a driving force behind projects such as Open Charity Data and Hospital Waiting List. He provides a wealth of project management expertise to advance the goals of Open Knowledge Ireland.

Outside of work, he is involved with the local kid’s athletic club – trying to keep fit while encouraging the kids to join in.

Dan Alexandru Bujoreanu

Dan Alexandru Bujoreanu

Dan Alexandru Bujoreanu is a data passionate working in his spare time with public data and creating stories which will potentially improve public sectors activity. He is also passionate about photography, using any opportunity to travel and take new photos.

Denis Parfenov is a civic entrepreneur, founder of the Open Knowledge Ireland and Ambassador for Open Knowledge. Denis is passionate about empowering citizens to make informed choices by making information (data) available and accessible through open source technologies. He organises fora and runs regular Open Data Ireland events with a view to developing Ireland’s public data infrastructure and influencing policy at the highest political level. Denis initiated, planned and successfully executed a civic campaign which resulted in the Irish government's commitment to the Open Government Partnership (OGP). He has actively participated in the co-creation of the first Irish OGP National Plan which led to Ireland becoming a full member in July 2014. Denis is a member of Open Data Governance Board. He is a founder and CEO at Kubrik Engineering, which builds persistent and secure distributed data infrastructures.

Eugene Eichelberger

Eugene Eichelberger

Eugene Eichelberger is a senior technologist and technical information manager. With expertise in enterprise information systems, e-commerce, and Internet services, Eugene also contributes his expertise to a variety of causes including public education, open data, and policy reform. With over 20 years experience with systems architecture, security, information technology leadership, an active member of the Open Data Ireland Community, and a founder of the civic volunteer groups Code for Dublin and Wikimedia Ireland. Eugene provides a wealth of technical, community, and business expertise to influence change and drive forward the goals of Open Knowledge Ireland.

Flora Fleischer carries out the Open Knowledge International mission in Ireland with a particular focus on open data as a window into how the government operates. As a core team member of Open Knowledge Ireland Flora carries forward open data as a vehicle for open government and enabling citizens to participate and enhance government services, help build on its analysis and, when necessary, hold it to account. Her current projects are very much linked to Ireland’s OGP journey assisting to make government data easily and widely accessible by the general public, to open up Irish government to more evidence based and transparent decision making and to build participatory government processes. Flora played key role in committing the Irish government to abandon upfront FOI fees..

Dr. Ingo Keck graduated in physics at the University of Regensburg, Germany, and holds a doctor Europeus in Computer Science from the University of Granada, Spain. He is an internationally recognised researcher in the field of advanced data analytics and statistics and leader of various open source projects. After working as professor and lecturer in Spain and Germany, Ingo led projects in data analytics at the Centre for Advanced Data Analytics Research (CeADAR), DIT, Ireland. Ingo is a founder and CTO at Kubrik Engineering, which builds persistent and secure distributed data infrastructures.

Salua Nassabay

Salua Nassabay

Dr. Salua Nassabay was born in Colombia and graduated in 2001 as an electronic engineer at the University San Buenaventura. She received a doctorate in computer science at the University of Granada, Spain. In 2013, Salua completed her Masters in Human Rights, International Law and International Cooperation at the European Institute Campus Stelae in Santiago de Compostela. Salua is passionate about education, human rights, humanitarian aid and international law. Since 2008, Salua worked as a consultant for SIEBEL Customer Relation Management (CRM) and Oracle Databases. Salua’s expertise in CRM is invaluable to organising civic campaigns via CiviCRM which we have in place. Salua is the founder of Children's Rights Education, which training caring and responsible future citizens

Shawn Day

Shawn Day

Shawn Day is a lecturer at University College Cork, Queen’s University Belfast and Trinity College Dublin, in Digital and Medical Humanities and Social Computing. He brings over 20 years of experience in the private sector and a number of successful startups in customer relationship management, marketing automation and information architecture. More recently he has led the Digital Humanities Observatory in Ireland and combined his technological expertise with the study of history and economy. His current research explores comparative social and economic circumstances between the nineteenth century business community, and the modern impact of technology of wider society using spatial and social network analysis.

Stanislav Nazarenko

Stanislav Nazarenko

Core team member

Stan Nazarenko is a technologist and financial software development manager with 20 years experience in telecommunications, risk management applications and advanced analytics in financial services industry. He is a founder of Nihonto Club, an online community dedicated to appreciation and preservation of Japanese swords and the largest public database of Japanese metalwork artists. Stan is passionate about open data and its long-term social, cultural and economic benefits. He holds a Masters Degree in Applied Mathematics from Kuban State University and the Chartered Financial Analyst designation from CFA Institute.

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