Open Knowledge Estonia

Open Knowledge Estonia joined the network in 2016. Check their Github account -

Core Team

Hille is independent expert/consultant currently working at Estonian Government Office, advising a policy for Social Innovation, involved in policy-making think tank Praxis, in Independent Review Mechanism for Open Government Partnership and open data/governance initiatives from open budget to policy crowdsourcing (see,,

In 2014, the President of Estonia gave her the national award for strengthening civil society in Estonia and Hille is keeping an eye on lobbying and policy-making for us.

Maarja-Leena Saar

Maarja-Leena Saar

Maarja-Leena Saar is an openness advocate working to make E-stonian society inspiring and unleashing its hidden potential.

She has been a process manager at the Estonian Cooperation Assembly, a competence centre founded by the President of Estonia, working on policy recommendations and initiatives on societal issues like (e-) democracy and public sector reform. She led project from idea to exponential growth. is a citizen initiatives platform for sending collective proposals to the Estonian Parliament.

Maarja-Leena is also a big fan of open data and knowledge visualization, her passion in that field was recognized by New Europe 100 and Shuttleworth Foundation. She is a founding member of Open Knowledge Estonia and kicked off the open data boom in Estonia together with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications through strategic partnership.

Maarja Olesk

Maarja Olesk

Maarja is a policy analyst an ardent believer in open knowledge and open government. She has studied public administration and technology governance and spent several years of research on the opportunities and challenges of using open data to co-create services of public value. She is currently keeping a keen eye on the roll-out of the EU’s new open data framework and is working with Open Knowledge Estonia to promote the release of valuable datasets in user-friendly formats. She also collaborates with the Open Government Partnership’s Independent Reporting Mechanism to help monitor countries' progress on open government reforms.

Kristiina Kerge

Kristiina Kerge

Kristiina is an expert in IT-solutions with positive environmental and social impact. For the past 12 years, Kristiina has contributed to the growth of several environmental initiatives, such as the service in Estonia (since 2013), the Let's Do It Foundation's digital tools for waste mapping - an AI tool and a mobile app (2016-2019). Latest development is Sustaxo – a tool for SMEs to self-assess their GHG impact. Combining environmental challenges with smart technology is her passion. In addition she is also a PhD student researching circular economy topics. Whatever Kristiina does, she uses her leadership and smart technologies to find high impact solutions for environmental challenges.

Risto Hinno

Risto Hinno

Risto currently is working as a Data Scientist at Feelingstream. In previous roles He has helped the Estonian public sector to have more data-driven service management. He likes helping institutions and companies to use their data in a more effective way.

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