Brazil Flag

Open Knowledge Brazil

Brazil has been active in the Open Knowledge Foundation community since 2010, and is an official chapter led by Fernanda Campagnucci.

Core Team

Fernanda Campagnucci

Fernanda Campagnucci

From 2013 to 2019, Fernanda served as public manager at Sao Paulo City Hall, and was responsible for the local policy of transparency, data openness, and integrity at the Comptroller General's Office. In addition, she led technology, innovation, and open government projects at the local Department of Education. She holds a BA in Journalism and a Master's in Education from the University of Sao Paulo, and is PhD candidate in Public Administration and Government at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (EAESP-FGV). She is specialist in Transparency and Accountability from the University of Chile (2014) and was an Open Government fellow at the Organization of American States (2015), Open Data Leader at the Open Data Institute (2016) and a Government fellow at the Digital Governance Operational Unit at the University of United Nations, UNU-EGOV (2018). She is a visiting professor at Insper for “Compliance” and “Innovation in the Public Sector” courses.

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