Open Knowledge Argentina

Argentina has been active in the Open Knowledge network since July 2013.

Core Team

Yas Garcia is a journalist. She promotes access to free information, and is working on open data projects and free software in Argentina, focusing especially on growing the School of Data community in the country.

In addition, she has been working for nine years on radio and is passionate about technology, and digital innovation strategies research for radio communication. She has a degree in Content Management, and is an active member of the Hacks Hackers Buenos Aires community too. In her spare time, she has works on Radiolab Argentina, an idea incubator for radio via an open source interactive portal. When not doing any of the above, you can find Yas on the asphalt with either her folding bike or her longboard.

More Information

To see what the active community in Argentina is working on, please check out their hackdash board.

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