accessible to everyone
The Open Knowledge Foundation has experts worldwide providing services related to our pipeline of tools for open knowledge. In other words, our tech services are vehicles to sustain our work, test our innovations and escalate the impact of our technical tools, models, and policies across different organisations and institutions.
We have extensive experience and expertise related to legal, technological and community aspects of open data and have provided consultancy, research, community management and technology solutions for a wide range of international clients.
What kind of tech services do we provide?
List of Tech Services
Our Tech Tools
The world's leading open source data management system. CKAN makes it easy to publish, share and discover data. It powers hundreds of data portals worldwide including governments, NGOs, research centers and enterprises.
For anyone who works with complex data or across tools or teams (researchers, data scientists, engineers, and decision-makers), this open-source toolkit brings simplicity to the data experience through software and standards.
Examples of Our Work
Some of the organisations we have worked with:
Item 1
Item 2
Item 4
Testing quote